A Very Narrow Line

What does a physician tell a newly diagnosed cancer patient? That is a vital question and paramount in the mind of every physician as cancer is diagnosed or treatment or lack thereof is recommended. If the physician is overly pessimistic or in some cases brutally frank without optimism, the life of the patient is ruined and the chances of recovery is eliminated if there is any truth to the belief that the patient’s attitude has a bearing on their recovery. If the physician is overly optimistic, the patient will not be prepared for an adverse outcome and will not put forth the necessary energy to help Continue reading “A Very Narrow Line”

Treatment options

Cancer is the most curable of all chronic diseases!
There is no type of cancer for which there is no treatment!
There is no cancer from which someone has not been cured!

But…cancer is an extremely complex disease. There are several hundred different kinds of cancer. Each one is treated in its own particular way by one or a combination of at least eight separate types of therapy Continue reading “Treatment options”