This is one BIG list of cancer support organizations. Here you’ll find organizations supporting specific types of cancer, organizations offering financial aid, patient matching services, meditation, transportation, wigs, and on and on. Some organizations are duplicated in several categories. We hope you’ll easily find what you need — please let us know of any changes we should make or if you have any problems or questions. hotline@blochcancer.org or 800-433-0464.
At the moment, there are around 350 organizations listed. You can SORT the list by clicking a column heading, and limit displayed organizations to those containing any SEARCH term you enter.Category | Organization | Description |
Abdominal | PMP Pals | The PMP Pals Network provides resources for medical treatment, referrals to physician specialists, and support for patients, family caregivers and healthcare providers in 39 countries. Also publishes a quarterly newsletter 831-424-4545 pmppals@yahoo.com pmppals.org |
Adrenal | University of Michigan Cancer Center | Endocrine Oncology Program Gary D. Hammer, M.D., Ph.D., Director 734-615-4551, 734-647-8906 cancer.med.umich.edu/…l |
Adrenal | Adrenocortical Carcinoma | Information on treatments, cancer centers that have adrenocortical carcinoma, including names of doctors and links and/or email addresses. Also have a closed group for patients, doctors and researchers accessible by invitation only. Established by the founder of the Beverlin Adrenocortical Carcinoma Research Fund at M.D. Anderson, whose wife had adrenal cancer. beverlin@ix.netcom.com adrenocorticalcarcinoma.com |
Amputation | L.E.A.P.S. Across the Heartland | Assists amputees with the loss of a limb by helping the individual through example and educational resources. Links to other amputee organizations 816-361-3206 angelfire.com |
Amputation | American Amputee Foundation | Provides information, self-help materials, and referral services. 501-835-9290 americanamputee.org |
Anal | The HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation | Dedicated to empowering anal cancer patients and accelerating prevention and research methods that eliminate anal cancer and the virus that causes the majority of cases, HPV.analcancerfoundation.org/ |
Appendix | PMP Pals | The PMP Pals Network provides resources for medical treatment, referrals to physician specialists, and support for patients, family caregivers and healthcare providers in 39 countries. Also publishes a quarterly newsletter 831-424-4545 pmppals@yahoo.com pmppals.org |
Bladder | Bladder Cancer Webcafe | Presents information on current treatment options for bladder cancer in an unbiased way, and to help direct users to further information via the Web on the subjects that concern them. blcwebcafe.org/ |
Bladder | Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network | Connect with others dealing with bladder cancer through an online community, accessible through the website. bcan.org/ |
Bladder | Urology Care Foundation | Dedicated to the prevention and cure of urologic diseases through the expansion of research, education, awareness and advocacy programs. 800-242-2383 urologyhealth.org |
Bladder | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | Blood and Marrow Transplant Information Network | Patient-friendly handbooks, quarterly newsletter, links with patients and survivors for emotional support, online directories of resources, U.S.& Canada transplant centers, and drugs used during transplant. Attorney referrals for insurance disputes. 888-597-7674 (Answering machine, must leave a message)847-433-3313 bmtinfonet.org/ |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | Guidelines for clinical centers, training and searchable texts of articles. 847-427-0224 asbmt.org |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | National Bone Marrow Transplant Link | Peer support for patients, families and caregivers, plus information, resources, video, booklets. Partner hospitals: Children’s Hospital of Michigan City of Hope Cancer Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Henry Ford Transplant Institute Karmanos Cancer Institute Mayo Clinic Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Northside Hospital OHSU Center for Hematologic Malignancies University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Blood and Marrow Transplant Program The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
800-546-5268 (800-LINK-BMT) nbmtlink.org |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | National Marrow Donor Program – Be the Match | The National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) operates the Be The Match RegistrySM and partners with a global network of leading hospitals, blood centers, cord blood banks and laboratories. As a leader in the field of marrow and cord blood transplantation, the NMDP facilitates transplants worldwide, conducts research to improve survival and quality of life, and provides education to patients and health care professionals. Together with its fundraising partner, Be The Match FoundationSM, the NMDP is dedicated to creating an opportunity for all patients to receive the transplant therapy they need. Since operations began in 1987, the NMDP has provided more than 35,000 transplants to help give patients a second chance at life. For more information, visit BeTheMatch.org or call 1 (800) MARROW-2. Congressionally authorized network maintains a national computer database of available tissue-typed marrow donor volunteers. Printed information for patients and caregivers available. Provides financial assistance for patients who need help with costs. Funds medical research 800-627-7692 (800-MARROW-2), 888-999-6743 Patient advocacy line marrow.org |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | Heart of America Bone Marrow Registry – Be the Match – A program of the National Marrow Donor Program | Information to potential donors, patient advocacy, insurance information, transplant centers, help to initiate treatments. 800-654-1247 |
Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation | BMT Support Online | Weekly online support groups for patients/survivors and caregivers. bmtsupport.org |
Bone Metastasis | The Paget Foundation | Bone and Cancer Foundation is now a program of the Paget Foundation for Paget’s Disease of Bone and Related Disorders. Information and referrals for people whose cancer has metastasized to the bone, particularly in breast,  prostate, lung, as well as other types. Some physician referrals as well. 800-237-2438 (800-23-PAGET) boneandcancerfoundation.org |
Brain | Meningioma Tumor List | for meningioma patients and their caregivers. This list is run by Johns Hopkins Medical Center’s Radiosurgery Department. You need not have undergone radiosurgery to subscribe. To sign up, visit the link below and Look for the “Connect! Join the Meningioma List” graphic and enter your e-mail address. You’ll receive an e-mail confirmation. radonc.jhmi.edu/… |
Brain | Meningioma Mommas | an online support group for women with a meningioma meningiomamommas.org/ |
Brain | Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation | Resource guide (English/Spanish) for parents of children with brain or spinal cord tumors, newsletter, family-to-family support, funds research, and co-sponsors phone and internet conferences for families, survivors and healthcare professionals. 866-228-4673 cbtf.org |
Brain | National Brain Tumor Society | Patient services and support for brain tumor research 800-770-8287 800-934-2873 (patient services) braintumor.org |
Brain | Kansas City Brain Tumor Support Group | Cancer patients and family meet monthly with professionals and persons who have experienced brain tumors to discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments, common problems, etc. Meets at 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of the month across from St. Luke’s Hospital in the boardroom of the Specialists in Cancer Care Office, Medical Plaza III, 4321 Washington, Suite 4000, Kansas City, MO. 816-932-6220 |
Brain | The Meningioma List | for men and men with a meningioma. Hosted by The Healing Exchange BRAIN TRUST. To subscribe go to braintrust.org /groups/meningioma |
Brain | Meningioma Support and Information List | a message board, chat room, and news announcement for those interested in meningiomas. Visit as a guest and register meningioma.webexone.com |
Brain | Brain Trust – The Healing Exchange | Information and online support groups for brain tumor patients, families and supporters. 617-623-0066 braintrust.org |
Brain | Brain Injury Alliance/Michael Quinlan Brain Tumor Foundation | educational, emotional, financial and spiritual services. The foundation provides financial assistances for Indiana and Kentucky Cindy Rosser, Support Coordinator 493-0609 x 27 cindy.rosser@biak.us biak.us/node/182 |
Brain | Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation | Supports the cause and cure of childhood brain tumors through funding medical research, provides patient and family support, resource and educational materials, advocates for increased awareness, hosts series of worldwide internet conferences to provide information and support to families, and provides scholarships to pediatric brain tumor survivors. 800-253-6530 pbtfus.org curethekids.org rideforkids.org |
Brain | American Brain Tumor Association | Provides publications on different types of tumors and a booklet, “Primer of Brain Tumors.” Has list of support groups nationwide and list of doctors involved in investigative treatment for both children and adults. Also has pen-pal program for patients. 800-886-2282, 847-827-9910 abta.org |
Breast | Breast and Cervical Cancer Project | Show-Me Healthy Women, MO Dept. of Health. Provides free mammograms and Pap smears to uninsured and underinsured. Not all counties may have providers. Check the website for alphabetical list of providers and a map showing their locations. 573-522-2845 health.mo.gov… |
Breast | National Breast Cancer Coalition | Action & advocacy group 800-622-2838, 202-296-7477 stopbreastcancer.org |
Breast | In My Sister’s Care | A national consumer organization dedicated to eliminating health disparities and to improving health status and gynecologic cancer care for women of color and other under-served populations 212-802-7686, 202-607-1883 inmysisterscare.org |
Breast | Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks, Springfield | Provides short-term non-medical financial assistance for residents of southwest Missouri and the 4 state region. Provides free mammography screenings, children’s fund, and support groups. 417-862-3838, 866-874-1915, Fax: 417-862-3830 bcfo.org |
Breast | Breastcancer.org | Medical information breastcancer.org |
Breast | National Breast Cancer Foundation | Founded by breast cancer survivor, goal is increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms for those in need. nationalbreastcancer.org |
Breast | Susan G. Komen for the Cure | 800-462-9273 (800-I’M-AWARE) komen.org |
Breast | Support Connection | Breast & ovarian hotline and telephone support group 800-532-4290 supportconnection.org |
Breast | FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered) | Provides information on screening and preventive options for women facing a genetic risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Also has peer-to-peer matching service. 866-824-7475 (RISK) facingourrisk.org |
Breast | Reach to Recovery | Kansas City area local program sponsored by American Cancer Society. Trained volunteers visit women who have had surgery for breast cancer and will provide information about breast reconstruction for those who request it. Nationally, contact nearest ACS chapter or cancer.org 913-432-3277 cancer.org |
Breast | Share | Programs for breast cancer patients and their families, helpline staffed by peer counselors, library, support group information. 866-891-2392 sharecancersupport.org |
Breast | Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer | National organization formed by a mother-daughter team. Publishes a handbook for mothers and a brochure for daughters that are provided to assist these family members in helping each other. 410-778-1411 mothersdaughters.org |
Breast | Young Survival Coalition (Kansas City) | Group of young breast cancer survivors with affiliates in Kansas City and some other communities. Sami Papacek 913-742-8846 ysckansascity@youngsurvival.org youngsurvival.org |
Breast | Young Survival Coalition (Kansas City Matches) | Point of Contact Program – Kansas City Matches for patients under age 45 913-579-4454 reneelthomas@aol.com youngsurvival.org |
Breast | YWCA USA | Helps medically underserved women in need of early detection through its ENCORE Plus program, education, breast and cervical cancer screening, and support services. 800-222-4738 ywca.org |
Breast | Young Survival Coalition | Group of young breast cancer survivors (National) 877-972-1011 youngsurvival.org |
Breast | My Pink Planner | Free online service that helps friends coordinate meals and other support for breast cancer patients. Dolores Quinn Kitchin 816-674-7760 mypinkplanner.com |
Breast | Sisters Network Inc. | African-American breast cancer survivorship organization, individual/group support, community education, advocacy and research 713-781-0255, 866-781-1808 sistersnetworkinc.org |
Breast | Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation | Information and anecdotal stories from patients/survivors tnbcfoundation.org |
Breast | BreastCancer.net | Learn about the latest news and breast cancer developments. breastcancer.net |
Breast | Inflammatory Breast Cancer Help Page | This website provides helpful information for the recently diagnosed IBC patient, caregivers and survivors. The site provides information on treatment and resources as well as a mailing list. ibcsupport.org |
Breast | Living Beyond Breast Cancer | Organization dedicated to empowering women affected by breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life. 610-645-4567. lbbc.org |
Breast | ABCD-After Breast Cancer Diagnosis | ABCD can provide constantly improving exceptional breast cancer support services because of teamwork. Passionate and well-trained volunteers who are supported by committed, knowledgeable staff who are, in turn, led by a Board of Directors and counseled by a Medical and Community Advisory Board. 414.977.1780. abcdbreastcancersupport.org |
Breast | Metastatic Breast Cancer Network | Raises awareness of metastatic breast cancer by putting a public face on the metastatic experience. We give those living with stage IV disease a greater voice and visibility in the breast cancer community, the medical community, the research community, and with the public-at-large. mbcn.org/ |
Breast | Sharsheret | Supports young Jewish women and their families facing breast cancer. sharsheret.org/ |
Breast | Pink-Link | Online breast cancer support network. pink-link.org/ |
Canada | Canadian Cancer Society | cancer information services, peer support, local community services, local offices 888-939-3333, 412-961-7223 – National office cancer.ca |
Canada | Hope & Cope | Survivor matching, support, patient education, wigs (etc.), quarterly magazine (bilingual, English/French) and more at Jewish General Hospital, Segal Cancer Centre 514-340-8222, Ext. 8255 HopeCope ENGLISH or HopeCope FRENCH |
Canada | Carcinoid NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society of Canada | Provides information on carcinoid-specific support groups in Canada and conducts workshops. 416-544-8467 cnetscanada.org |
Carcinoid | Carcinoid NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society of Canada | Provides information on carcinoid-specific support groups in Canada and conducts workshops. 416-544-8467 cnetscanada.org |
Carcinoid | Carcinoid Cancer Foundation | Medical, testing and drug information for carcinoid patients, encourages and supports research and education on carcinoid-related neuroendocrine cancers. 888-722-3132 carcinoid.org |
Carcinoid | Susan Anderson’s Carcinoid Info | Arizona carcinoid survivor’s site with lots of information, resources, survivor stories. SunnySusan@Cox.Net carcinoidinfo.info |
Carcinoid | Caring for Carcinoid Foundation | Committed to supporting cutting-edge scientific research and bringing leading researchers together in order to accelerate progress. caringforcarcinoid.org/ |
Caregivers & Supporters | Friends’ Health Connection | Friends’ Health Connection links persons with illness or disability and their family caregivers with others experiencing the same challenges. 800-483-7436 48friend.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | National Alliance for Caregiving | Helps family caregivers learn about information, videos, pamphlets, etc. that have been reviewed and approved as providing solid information. caregiving.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | Kidscope | Online publications available for download. Basic information about what to expect and how children cope with issues surrounding a parent’s disease and treatment kidscope.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | Family Connections Program, Dana-Farber Cancer Center, Boston | Identify and respond to the needs of parents and children through supporting, supplementing, and empowering parent and child coping as a family. Resources and relevant information offer guidance to help families manage the impact of cancer on their lives. 617-632-4020 Family Connections |
Caregivers & Supporters | Cancer Care | Counseling, support groups, restricted financial assistance, education and referrals to patients and loved ones. Services in person for the tri-state area, on phone and online for all U.S. 800-813-4673 (800-813-HOPE) cancercare.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | My Caring Plan | MyCaringPlan.com My Caring Plan, a website focused on caregiving that has been featured on PBS. |
Caregivers & Supporters | National Family Caregivers Association | Education, support, respite care and advocacy for caregivers, including support groups. Free memberships to U.S. caregivers. 800-896-3650 info@nfcares.org nfcacares.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | National Students of AMF (Ailing Mothers & Fathers) Support Network | Supports grieving college students and raises awareness about their needs. Establishes campus chapters, provides interactive e-support online, awards scholarships, funds adolescent bereavement studies, conducts conferences on college student bereavement.email David Faigenbaum studentsofamf.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | Kids Konnected | Friendship, education, support and newsletter for kids of cancer patients. 800-899-2866 kidskonnected.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | Rosalynn Carter Institute for Human Development | RCI provides educational programs for caregivers, conducts research, and disseminates information about caregiving. 229-928-1234 rci.gsw.edu or rosalynncarter.org |
Caregivers & Supporters | Well Spouse Foundation | A national membership organization that gives support to husbands, wives and partners of the chronically ill and/or disabled. Well Spouse has a network of support groups and also a newsletter for spouses. 800-838-0879 wellspouse.org |
Cervical | Cervical Health | cervicalhealth.com |
Cervical | Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (Show me Healthy Women) | Missouri Department of Health program provides free mammograms and Pap smears to uninsured and underinsured. KC contact: Marney Robinson, Truman West 816-373-4485, X4005. Not all counties may have providers. Check the website for alphabetical list of providers and a map showing their locations. 573-876-3273 |
Cervical | The Foundation for Women’s Cancer – formerly the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) | Awareness for preventing, detecting and treating gynecological cancers and supports research and training. 800-444-4441 foundationforwomenscancer.org/ wcn.org |
Cervical | National Cervical Cancer Coalition | YWCA USA Helps medically under-served women in need of early detection, education, breast and cervical cancer screening, and support services. 202-467-0801, (800) 222-4738 nccc-online.org ywca.org |
Cervical | In My Sister’s Care | A national consumer organization dedicated to eliminating health disparities and to improving health status and gynecologic cancer care for women of color and other under-served populations 212-802-7686, 202-607-1883 inmysisterscare.org |
Cervical | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org/ |
Chemotherapy | By My Side | Information on chemotherapy side effects and more from Amgen, maker of Neulasta (white blood cell count stimulator) chemotherapy.com |
Childhood Cancer | Kids Konnected | Friendship, education, understanding, support and newsletter for kids who have a parent with cancer. 800-899-2866 kidskonnected.org |
Childhood Cancer | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital | No-fee care in Memphis, TN 866-278-5833 stjude.org |
Childhood Cancer | Starlight Foundation | Wish-granting, entertainment, education and family activities for seriously ill children and their families. 310-479-1212 starlight.org |
Childhood Cancer | National Children’s Cancer Society | Mission is to improve quality of life for children with cancer and their families by providing financial and in-kind assistance, advocacy, support services and education. 800-532-6459 children-cancer.com |
Childhood Cancer | Childhood Leukemia Center | Online copy of Childhood Leukemia – A Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers. patientcenters.com/leukemia |
Childhood Cancer | National Childhood Cancer Foundation | Supports pediatric cancer treatment and research projects and provides a network for pediatric cancer specialists. The website offers facts about childhood cancer, clinical trials, links to other information sources, news and events, and a way to search for clinical trial protocols and Children’s Cancer Group Specialists. 800-458-6223 curesearch.org |
Childhood Cancer | Kids Cancer Network | Bimonthly magazine (English/Spanish), resource center, pen-friends, prayer network and “your story” sharing area. kidscancernetwork.org |
Childhood Cancer | Children’s Hospice International | Support and care for children with life-threatening conditions and their families. The hospice approach for children is a team effort that provides medical, psychological and spiritual expertise and information. 800-2-4-CHILD (800-242-4453) chionline.org |
Childhood Cancer | Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation | Organization for parents of children who have cancer, coordinated locally by Children’s Mercy Hospital. Toll-free number provides regional information about camps for children with cancer, support groups for parents and/or children, and educational information. 800-366-2223 (816-234-3266 Pat Brown KC local area) candlelighters.org |
Childhood Cancer | Trish Greene Back To School Program | Fosters communication among healthcare professions, parents, young patients and school staff in preparation for the return to school and other activities. Information, including “Touching Lives” resource directory, videos and more. 800-955-4572 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Childhood Cancer | Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation | Resource guide (English/Spanish) for parents of children with brain or spinal cord tumors, newsletter, family-to-family support, funds research, and co-sponsors phone and internet conferences for families, survivors and healthcare professionals. 866-228-4673 cbtf.org childrensneuronet.org |
Childhood Cancer | CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation & The Children’s Oncology Group | Supports the work of CureSearch Children’s Oncology Group at more than 200 member institutions. Represents every pediatric cancer program in North America, treating more than 90% of children with cancer. 800-458-6223 CureSearch.org |
Childhood Cancer | Make-A-Wish Foundation | Grants wishes of children with terminal or life-threatening illnesses. 800-722-9474 wish.org |
Childhood Cancer | Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation | Resource guide for parents of children with brain or spinal cord tumors. Communication through e-mail only. 212-448-9494 childrensneuronet.org |
Childhood Cancer | National Children’s Cancer Society | Direct financial assistance and emotional support to children with cancer and their families. 800-532-6459 children-cancer.com |
Childhood Cancer | National Children’s Leukemia Foundation | Comprehensive information; referrals for initial testing, physicians, hospital admissions, and treatment options; stem cell banking; bone marrow matching; dream fulfillment and help getting health insurers to pay for treatment and care. 800-448-3467 (800-GIVE-HOPE), In NY: 718-251-1222 leukemiafoundation.org |
Childhood Cancer | National Childhood Cancer Foundation | Supports pediatric cancer treatment and research projects and provides a network for pediatric cancer specialists. The website offers facts about childhood cancer, clinical trials, links to other information sources, news and events, and a way to search for clinical trial protocols and Children’s Cancer Group Specialists. 800-458-6223 curesearch.org |
Childhood Cancer | Children’s Hospice International | Support and care for children with life-threatening conditions and their families. The hospice approach for children is a team effort that provides medical, psychological and spiritual expertise and information. 800-243-4453 chionline.org |
Childhood Cancer | Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation | Supports the cause and cure of childhood brain tumors through funding medical research, provides patient and family support, resource and educational materials, advocates for increased awareness, hosts series of worldwide internet conferences to provide information and support to families. 800-253-6530 pbtfus.org |
Childhood Cancer | Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults: National College Scholarship Program | Offers three scholarships for young adult cancer survivors diagnosed after the age of 15 and are currently under the age of 35. In addition, the organization offers scholarships for young adults who have a parent living with a cancer diagnosis, or who have lost a parent to cancer. 888-393-FUND (3863) ulmanfund.org |
Childhood Cancer | Starlight Foundation | Wish-granting, in-hospital entertainment. 800-315-2580 starlight.org |
Childhood Cancer | American Childhood Cancer Organization – Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation | Organization for parents of children who have cancer, coordinated in Kansas City by Children’s Mercy Hospital. Toll-free number provides regional information about camps for children with cancer, support groups for parents and/or children, and educational information. 800-366-2223 (Local contact Pat Brown, 816-234-3266) candlelighters.org or acco.org |
Childhood Cancer | ViaCord | umbilical cord blood stem cell collections for families, and has been involved in cutting edge research to find new stem cell therapies for diseases like cancer. http://www.viacord.com/ |
Chordoma | Chordoma Foundation | Works to improve the lives of chordoma patients by accelerating research to develop effective treatments for chordoma, and by helping patients to get the best care possible. chordomafoundation.org/ |
Clinical Trials | Cancer411.org | Comprehensive clinical trials database that lists all ongoing cancer trials in a searchable database. 877-CANCR411 (877-226-2741) www.cancer411.org |
Clinical Trials | Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups | Search engine, interactive training guide and patient discussion forum. 877-520-4457 cancertrialshelp.org |
Clinical Trials | National Cancer Institute | clinicaltrials.gov |
Clinical Trials | Center Watch | The global source for clinical trials information: offering news, analysis, study grants, career opportunities, and trial listings to professionals and patients. centerwatch.com |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Genentech: Patient Access | Genentech Access Solutions offers coverage support, patient assistance, other useful information to help you along the way. gene.com/patients/patient-access |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Bristol-Myers Squibb | If you need help paying for your prescription medicine, you may be eligible for assistance. bms.com/products |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Patient Access Network Foundation | Co-payment assistance to help underinsured patients access the medical attention and treatment they need to sustain a reasonable quality of life. Assistance can range from $1,500 to $8,000 a year, depending on the diagnosis and availability. Eligible cancers include breast, colorectal, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Website shows current status of funding for each cancer type. 866-316-7263 https://www.panfoundation.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Hill-Burton Act | Requires hospitals that receive federal funding to provide free or low-cost care to the surrounding community. Provides doctor referrals. 888-275-4772 hrsa.gov/… |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | The Lois Merrill Foundation | Accepts applications year-round from carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor patients, and patients with other rare cancers, for medical expense assistance. Apply online or by mail at 1050 Island Ave., #517, San Diego, CA 92101 theloismerrillfoundation.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Healthy Women Program, CDC | Uninsured women with low to moderate incomes with breast cancer, cervix cancer or a primary breast cancer metastases may be eligible for free treatments, including radiation therapy. 800-232-4636 (CDC-INFO) apps.nccd.cdc.gov/… |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Patient Advocate Foundation | PAF provides professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses. PAF case managers serve as active liaisons between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis matters as they relate to their diagnosis also assisted by doctors and healthcare attorneys. Patient Advocate Foundation seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability. Co-payment assistance for patients being treated for breast, colorectal, kidney, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancers, lymphomas, sarcomas and secondary issues resulting from chemo. English, 866-512-3861, Spanish, 800-516-9256 copays.org or patientadvocate.org Underinsured Financial assist by STATE |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Fertile Hope | Fertile Hope is a LIVESTRONG > initiative dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility. If you have fertility-related questions or would like more information related to the Sharing Hope assistance program call toll-free 866-965-7205 Online intake form – complete this form for the LIVESTRONG SurvivorCare program. fertilehope.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | National Association of Free Clinics | Has list by state of free clinics in U.S. 703-647-7427 freeclinics.us |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Bone Marrow Foundation | Up to $1,000 to cover donor search, housing, transportation & medication, primarily on the East Coast 800-365-1336 bonemarrow.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | The Max Foundation | Helps match patients with blood-related cancers with sources of financial assistance. 888-462-9368 themaxfoundation.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | American Childhood Cancer Organization / Candlelighters | List of groups to which eligible families may apply for financial help. 800-366-2223 candlelighters.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Up to $500 per year supplementary help to patients with blood-related cancers. 800-955-4572 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Kristy Lasch Miracle Foundation | Up to $500 per year supplementary help to patients with blood-related cancers. 412-872-4125 kristylasch.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | National Health Service Corps | Federally-funded health centers offer free or reduced-cost care in areas with few private resources, even for those without health insurance. 877-313-1823 findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/Search_HCC.aspx |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) | Some prescription assistance for uninsured and underinsured, and co-payment assistance for some cancer types. For current list, visit rarediseases.org 215-625-9609 rarediseases.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | National Leukemia Research Association | Financial assistance to patients of all ages for x-ray therapy, chemo and leukemia-related lab fees. 516-222-1944 childrensleukemia.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation | Helps patients who can’t afford co-payments on treatments for breast, lung, colorectal or pancreatic cancer. English and Spanish spoken. 866-552-6729 cancercarecopay.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | HealthWell Foundation | Help with out-of-pocket costs for prescription copays, coinsurance, deductibles and health-care premiums for patients with breast cancer. carcinoid tumors and related symptoms, chemotherapy induced anemia/neutropenia, colorectal cancer, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, glioblastoma multiforme/anaplastic astrocytoma, head and neck cancer, Hodgkin’s Disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-small cell lung cancer and Wilm’s Tumor. 800-675-8416 healthwellfoundation.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | National Brain Tumor Society | Financial assistance referrals 800-934-2873 Patient Services braintumor.org/ |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Lymphoma Research Foundation, Inc. | Limited financial assistance for uninsured and underinsured lymphoma patients undergoing treatment. Free helpline and information service for referrals to financial assistance programs, legal and insurance help. 800-235-6848, 800-500-9976 lymphoma.org |
Co-pays & Other Medical Costs | Children’s Leukemia Research Association | Helps pay for care not covered by insurance. 516-222-1944 |
Colon | Colon Cancer Alliance | Treatment information, education and resource information, a buddy system (Connections program) and other information about colorectal cancer. 877-422-2030, 202-628-0123 ccalliance.org |
Colon | Fight Colorectal Cancer | Advocacy group’s site includes a guide to diagnosis and treatment options and a range of resources. 877-427-2111, 703-548-1225 fightcolorectalcancer.org |
Colorectal | Colon Cancer Alliance | Treatment information, education and resource information, a buddy system (Connections program) and other information about colorectal cancer. 877-422-2030, 202-628-0123 ccalliance.org |
Colorectal | C3: Colorectal Cancer Coalition | Advocacy group’s site includes a guide to diagnosis and treatment options and a range of resources. 877-427-2111, 703-548-1225 fightcolorectalcancer.org |
Colorectal | Colorectal Care Line | Limited finances for transportation reimbursement, temporary lodging, child care and food costs associated with out-of-town treatment. Education, legal counseling, referrals for managed care issues, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination and debt crisis matters. 866-657-8634 colorectalcareline.org |
Colorectal | Colon Cancer Alliance | Treatment information, education and resource information, a buddy system (Connections program) and other information about colorectal cancer. 877-422-2030, 202-628-0123 ccalliance.org |
Colorectal | Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada | Provides information about colon cancer prevention, screening & treatment. Connects survivors to support groups around Canada and online. Advocacy tool kit online. Services in English & French. 877-502-6566 5 Place Ville Marie, Stuite 1230 Montreal, Quebec H3B 2G2 Canada colorectal-cancer.ca |
Colorectal | Lynch Syndrome International | Lynch syndrome is an inherited condition that increases your risk of colon cancer and other cancers. 707-689-5089 lynchcancers.com |
Complementary & Integrative Care | National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) | Overriding mission is to give the American public reliable information about the safety and effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices. NCCAM is an advocate for quality science, rigorous and relevant research, and open and objective inquiry into which CAM practices work, which do not, and why. 888-644-6226. www.nccam.nih.gov |
Complementary & Integrative Care | Complementary/Integrative Medicine, National Cancer Institute | cancer.gov |
Complementary & Integrative Care | Integrative Medicine Program, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center | Reviews, continuing education opportunities, communication techniques, drug interaction advisories and other information, for use in discussing and advising patients wanting to use these therapies. 877-632-6789 (877-MDA-6789) mdanderson.org/cimer |
Complementary & Integrative Care | Cancerbackup – Macmillan Cancer Support | cancerbackup.org.uk |
Complementary & Integrative Care | The Annie Appleseed Project | Natural therapies from the cancer patient perspective 561-637-1996 annieappleseedproject.org |
Depression | American Psychosocial Oncology Society | Helpline connects cancer patients and their caregivers to psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and counselors skilled in the management of cancer-related distress. Intake by voicemail results within 24-48 hours in referrals for local counseling services or, if none are nearby, counseling via telephone. 866-276-7443 apos-society.org |
Detailed online information | National Cancer Institute | cancer.gov |
Detailed online information | WebMD | webmd.com/cancer/default.htm |
Detailed online information | CancerGuide | Dedicated to providing answers to common questions about cancer, and especially determining the questions that need to be asked. This site provides interesting information from the patient perspective. cancerguide.org |
Detailed online information | National Cancer Institute | Access to PDQ (Physician Data Query) Information on types of cancer 800-422-6237 (800-4-CANCER) cancer.gov |
Detailed online information | CancerConsultants | part of the Cancer Information Network cancerconsultants.com |
Detailed online information | American Society of Clinical Oncology | cancer.net |
Detailed online information | University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center | cancer.med.umich.edu |
Diet & Nutrition | American Institute of Cancer Research | National group specializes in diet, nutrition and cancer. 800-843-8114 aicr.org |
Diet & Nutrition | The Oley Foundation | Educational and emotional support, outreach activities, clinical outcomes information for people whose daily survival depends on home intravenous or tube-fed nutrition. 800-776-6539 oley.org |
Diet & Nutrition | American Dietetics Association | Search by state for registered dietitians who specialize in oncology nutrition. 800-877-1600 eatright.org |
Doctors’ Background Information | American Cancer Society | Medical equipment, respiratory services and home infusion. Identifies fee for service companies or call local office for a list of agencies. 800-227-2345 (National), 816-218-7171 (Local) cancer.org |
Doctors’ Background Information | Vitals | No-fee website with empirical information on a doctor’s quality and expertise, consumer ratings and reviews, and recommendations from other doctors. 201-842-0760 vitals.com |
Esophageal | Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association | Provides education, resources and information for people with esophageal cancer, including website newsletter. 800-601-0613 ecaware.org |
Esophagus | Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association | Provides education, resources and information for people with esophageal cancer, including website newsletter. 800-601-0613 ecaware.org |
Ethical Questions | Center for Practical Bioethics | Addresses the practical needs of those dealing with healthcare dilemmas in the Kansas City metropolitan area, regionally and nationally. Through education, consultation, and public engagement, the Center has helped patients and their families, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and corporate leaders grapple with ethically complex issues in health and healthcare. 800-344-3829, 816-221-1100 (local) practicalbioethics.org/ |
Eye | Eye Cancer Network | This site is dedicated to providing information about the diagnosis and treatment of ocular tumors and orbital diseases for patients, their families, and health care professionals. (212) 832-8170. eyecancer.com |
Fertility | Oncolink – Fertility and Cancer | Information for both men and women on fertility and cancer treatments. oncolink.org/ |
Fertility | Fertile Hope | Is a LIVESTRONG initiative dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility. Reproductive Information, support and hope for survivors whose treatments present the risk of infertility. 866-965-7205 fertilehope.org |
Fertility | Oncofertility Consortium | The Oncofertility Consortium® is a national, interdisciplinary initiative designed to explore the reproductive future of cancer survivor oncofertility.northwestern.edu 312-503-3378. |
Financial Planning & Debt Management | National Foundation for Credit Counseling | Provides consumer credit counseling and education on budgeting and debt reduction. 800-388-2227 nfcc.org |
Financial Planning & Debt Management | Patient Advocate Foundation | PAF provides professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses. PAF case managers serve as active liaisons between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis matters as they relate to their diagnosis also assisted by doctors and healthcare attorneys. Patient Advocate Foundation seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability. Co-payment assistance for patients being treated for breast, colorectal, kidney, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancers, lymphomas, sarcomas and secondary issues resulting from chemo. English, 866-512-3861, Spanish, 800-516-9256 copays.org or patientadvocate.org patientadvocate.org Financial assistance resources listed by STATE patientadvocate.org |
Financial Planning & Debt Management | Consumer Credit.com – Family Credit Management | 800-994-3328 |
Gay & Lesbian | Mautner Project, the National Lesbian Health Organization | Direct client services, client navigation programs, online support groups, retreats, workshops, research and advocacy for health issues relating to lesbians with cancer and their families. 866-628-8637 (866-MAUTNER) mautnerproject.org |
General Advice | Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition | A coalition of organizations helping cancer patients manage their financial challenges. Has search engine for assistance based on type of cancer or type of assistance needed. cancerfac.org |
General Advice | American Society of Clinical Oncology | Managing Cost of Care available online, including tools for talking with doctors about managing the cost of care, summary of costs associated with treatment, list of financial resources. cancer.net |
General Advice | Patient Advocate Foundation | PAF provides professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses. PAF case managers serve as active liaisons between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis matters as they relate to their diagnosis also assisted by doctors and healthcare attorneys. Patient Advocate Foundation seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability. Co-payment assistance for patients being treated for breast, colorectal, kidney, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancers, lymphomas, sarcomas and secondary issues resulting from chemo. English, 866-512-3861, Spanish, 800-516-9256 copays.org or patientadvocate.org Underinsured Directory -search tool for patients with inadequate insurance who need financial assistance www.patientadvocate.org Financial assistance resources listed by STATE patientadvocate.org |
General Advice | GiveForward.org | Chicago-based organization provides an Internet platform for people in need to solicit donations. 312-957-6113 giveforward.org |
General Advice | Cancer Care Connection | Social Workers (MSW) level offer personal coaching, Internet navigation assistance, useful information and resource connections. 866-266-2008 cancercareconnection.org |
Gynecologic Cancers | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org/ |
Head | Support for People with Oral and Head & Neck Cancer | Support and information addressing the emotional and psychological needs of oral and head and neck cancer patients and their families. 800-377-0928, 516-759-5333 spohnc.org |
Head | Laryngectomy Association – NuVoice (ACS) | Laryngectomees who are trained volunteers and who speak well visit a new laryngectomee in the hospital before and after surgery upon medical referral. 800-227-2345, KC area: Dee Etta, 913-432-3277 nu-voice.org |
Head | International Association of Laryngectomees | Pre- and post-operation visits to laryngeal cancer patients, continuing support and education. 866-425-3678 larynxlink.com |
Head | Head & Neck Cancer Alliance | 866.792.HNCA (4622) headandneck.org |
Head | Acinic Cell Information Center | A rare salivary gland cancer, comprising approx. 6%-10% of all salivary gland cancers. All salivary gland cancers comprise between 0.3% and 0.9% of all cancers in the United States. The most likely of salivary gland carcinomas to occur bilaterally. Occasionally an even rarer acinic/acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas, or of the lung (most lung versions are actually metastases). There is new (limited) data to indicate that a certain kind of breast cancer (secretory or juvenile carcinoma) is identical to acinic cell carcinoma. Edgar Stroke edgar@aciniccell.org aciniccell.org |
Hodgkin’s Disease | Lymphoma Research Foundation Inc. | Educational information and “buddy system” for Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Quarterly newsletter. 310-204-7040 lymphoma.org |
Hodgkin’s Disease | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Addresses four diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and multiple myeloma. Offers matching program and educational material. Qualifying patients registered with the organization can receive funds for designated services after other insurance coverage has been used through patient financial aid and co-pay assistance programs. 800-955-4572, Local: 913-262-1515 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Hospice | Kansas City Hospice | 816-363-2600 kansascityhospice.org |
Hospice | National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (Caring Connections) | Provides phone numbers of local hospices throughout the U.S. Information on choosing home care and hospice. 800-658-8898 caringinfo.org |
Hospice | Choice in Dying | Advocate for individual rights on end-of-life decisions. 800-247-7421 compassionandchoices.org |
Hospice | Growth House | Gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end-of-life issues. 415-863-3045 growthhouse.org |
Hospice | National Association for Home Care | 202-547-7424 nahc.org |
Hotline | I Can Cope | ACS-sponsored hospital-based program for patient and family. Learn about disease process, treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation, exchange ideas and concerns. Emphasis on positive attitudes. 800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345), Local 816-842-7111 – High Points Division |
Hotline | Hope & Cope (Canada) | Survivor matching, support, patient education, wigs (etc.), quarterly magazine (bilingual, English/French) and more – Jewish General Hospital, Segal Cancer Centre 514-340-8222, Ext. 8255 HopeCope english OR HopeCope FRENCH |
Hotline | Planet Cancer | An online community for young cancer patients (teens to 30s) and their supporters, similar to Facebook and MySpace. Protected website, lots of response to new pages. planetcancer.org |
Hotline | Dave Dravecky’s Outreach of Hope | Christian-based prayer support, resource referral and literature. 303-962-7595 endurance.org |
Hotline | Cancer Hope Network | One-on-one support by trained volunteers who have survived cancer. 877-467-3638 cancerhopenetwork.org |
Hotline | Imerman Angels | Peer-to-peer counseling, emphasis on young patients (312) 274-5529 ImermanAngels.org |
Hotline | Fourth Angel Network | Affiliated with Th 216-445-8734 4thangel.org |
Hotline | Friends for Life Mentoring Network | Based in Kentucky 866-374-3634 friend4life.org |
Hotline | Bloch Cancer Hotline | The Cancer Hot Line consists of a group of individuals who have had cancer who are available to talk with newly diagnosed cancer patients, promptly upon diagnosis. We do not make a prognosis or give medical advice. We talk strictly from personal experience, emphasizing prompt treatment, proper treatment, thorough treatment and a positive mental attitude. 800-433-0464 blochcancer.org |
Hotline | AMC Cancer Fund | Medical information, resource referrals, emotional support through short-term counseling. 800-525-3777 amc.org |
Hotline | M.D. Anderson | Patient matching, info about the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. 800-345-6324 (patient referral: 800-392-1611) |
Housing & Lodging | Hope Lodge (an American Cancer Society program) | Temporary accommodations in some areas for cancer patients during treatment away from home. 800-227-2345 (National), 816-842-6427 (Local) HopeLodge |
Housing & Lodging | National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses | Information on lodging and support available for families receiving medical care away from home. 800-542-9730 nahh.org |
Housing & Lodging | Ronald McDonald House | Refuge from the hospital for families of children with cancer. 630-623-7048 rmhc.org |
Housing & Lodging | Joe’s House | State-by-state lists of accommodations for patients, families and caregivers, also by proximity to hospital. Lodging rates listed; some have online booking links. 877-563-7468 (877- JOESHOU) joeshouse.org |
In Home Assistance | Stephen Ministries | A Christian, non-denominational, spiritual caregiving program offering confidential weekly one-on-one sessions with trained volunteers in the home, hospital or neutral location. 314-428-2600 stephenministries.org |
In Home Assistance | Faith in Action | A membership organization of local programs that use volunteers from many faiths to shop, cook, drive or just check in on the millions of Americans with long-term health needs. Not available in all areas. 877-575-4932 fianationalnetwork.org |
In Home Assistance | Cleaning for a Reason | Provides free housecleaning once a month for 4 months to women undergoing chemotherapy. Requires a doctorÂ’s confirmation of treatment. Currently works with 547 maid services nationwide who provide the cleaning. The application process opens at 12 noon Central Time, Monday through Thursday, and they accept a maximum of 50 applications each day. However, the demand is such that they accept approximately 8 applications a minute once itÂ’s activated. Therefore, the application process is open for approximately 6 minutes. 877-337-3348 cleaningforareason.org |
In Home Assistance | My Pink Planner | Free online service that helps friends coordinate meals and other support for breast cancer patients. Cadie Connors, 816-729-6001 mypinkplanner.com |
Insurance & Legal | Co-Pay Relief Program | Co-payment assistance for patients being treated for breast, colon, kidney, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancers, lymphomas, sarcomas and secondary issues resulting from chemotherapy. Qualifying patients have health insurance or Medicare Part D benefits. Applicants must meet medical and financial criteria. Most payments go directly to medical providers or pharmaceutical suppliers 866-512-3861 copays.org/ or patientadvocate.org |
Insurance & Legal | State Insurance Commission | Information about coverage for the uninsurable with pre-existing conditions, and about patients’ rights. insuranceclaimsconsult.com |
Insurance & Legal | State Cancer Legislative Database | State-by-state information from the National Cancer Institute on legislation relating to breast, cervical, colorectal, ovarian, prostate, skin, testicular and uterine cancer, access to state-of-the-art treatment, cancer registries, genetics, and tobacco. scld-nci.net |
Insurance & Legal | CancerCare Inc. | Counseling, support groups, restricted financial assistance, education and referrals to patients and loved ones. Services provided in person, on phone and online. 800-813-4673 (800-813-HOPE) cancercare.org |
Insurance & Legal | American Cancer Society | 800-ACS-2345, ask to speak to the insurance specialist. cancer.org |
Insurance & Legal | Alliance of Claims Assistance Professionals | Helps ensure that clients receive all health insurance benefits to which they are entitled, acts a liaison between patients, insurance companies and health-care providers. 888-394-5163 claims.org |
Insurance & Legal | Cancervive | cancervive@aol.com cancervive.org |
Insurance & Legal | Cancer Legal Resource Center | Free and confidential information and resources on cancer-related legal issues. A joint program of Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, and the Disability Rights Legal Center (formerly Western Law Center for Disability Rights). 866-843-2572, 213-736-1455 lls.edu |
Insurance & Legal | Patient Advocate Foundation | Information on managed-care terminology and policy issues that may affect coverage; legal intervention services; and counseling to resolve job and insurance problems. 800-532-5274 patientadvocate.org |
Insurance & Legal | National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship | 888-937-6227 (888-YES-NCCS) canceradvocacy.org |
Insurance & Legal | Department of Health & Human Services Inspector General Hotline | Answers complaints regarding fraud, overcharging or other abuses related to Medicare or Medicaid. Provides help with entitlements and benefits, and information on insurance and community resources. 800-447-8477 oig.hhs.gov |
International Medical Care | Medical Tourism Association | 561-791-2000 medicaltourismassociation.com |
Kansas City Area Support & Advocacy Groups | Vicki Welsh Fund | Ovarian cancer information thevickiwelshfund.org/ |
Kansas City Area Support & Advocacy Groups | Turning Point: The Center for Hope & Healing | 913-383-8700 turningpointkc.org |
Kansas City Area Support & Advocacy Groups | Cancer Action | 913-321-8880 (Wyandotte County KS), 816-350-8881 (Independence MO), 913-642-8885 (Johnson County KS) canceractionkc.org |
Kansas City Area Support & Advocacy Groups | The Andrew J. Somora Foundation | Helping families in the greater Kansas City area cope with the financial burdens of a colon cancer diagnosis and spreading awareness of the symptoms of colon cancer and the importance of early detection. AndrewJSomoraFoundation.com |
Kidney | Kidney Cancer Association | Written materials, telephone referrals to oncologists and urological surgeons. Website has listings of clinical trials. Sponsors a national patient convention yearly and patient information meetings in 35 major cities. 800-850-9132 nkca.org curekidneycancer.org kidneycancer.org |
Kidney | Urology Care Foundation | Dedicated to the prevention and cure of urologic diseases through the expansion of research, education, awareness and advocacy programs. 800-242-2383 urologyhealth.org |
Kidney | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service. 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Veterans Benefits | 877-222-8387 (877-222-VETS) va.gov/vbs/health |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | State Children’s Health Insurance Program | Federal-state partnership offers low-cost or free coverage to uninsured children of low-wage, working parents. 877-543-7669 insurekidsnow.gov |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Social Security Administration | ssa.gov |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Medicare & Medicaid | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) medicare.gov |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Medicare Rights Center | National hotline, free counseling on Medicare questions or problems, local programs in New York City/Westchester County 800-333-4114 medicarerights.org |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Medicaid | cms.hhs.gov/medicaidgeninfo |
Legal Advice & Insurance Advocacy | Patient Services Incorporated | Helps locate suitable health insurance coverage and access ways to meet expensive co-payments 800-366-7741 patientservicesinc.org |
Leukemia | National Children’s Leukemia Foundation | Comprehensive information; referrals for initial testing, physicians, hospital admissions, and treatment options; stem cell banking; bone marrow matching; dream fulfillment and help getting health insurers to pay for treatment and care. 800-448-3467, In NY: 718-251-1223 leukemiafoundation.org |
Leukemia | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Addresses four diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and multiple myeloma. Offers matching program and educational material. Qualifying patients registered with the organization can receive funds for designated services after other insurance coverage has been used through patient financial aid and co-pay assistance programs. 800-955-4572, Local: 913-262-1515 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Liver | American Liver Foundation | General information, information on local chapters, but most of the support groups are for hepatitis and liver transplant patients. 800-465-4837, (212) 668-1000 liverfoundation.org |
Lung | Lung Cancer Online Foundation | Funds research and provides information to patients and families via website. lungcanceronline.org |
Lung | Lung Cancer Circle of Hope | New Jersey-based group developing advocacy and regional educational programs. 732-363-4426 lungcancercircleofhope.org |
Lung | Lung Cancer Alliance | Advocacy for patients, survivors, families and caregivers. Patient-survivor “buddy” matches, quarterly newsletter, information on support groups, and online support group. 800-298-2436 lungcanceralliance.org |
Lung | LungCancer.org | A website operated by CancerCare specifically for lung cancer, with links to information and CancerCare support. 877-646-5864 lungcancer.org |
Lung | American Lung Association | Informational packets, answers to medical questions. 800-586-4872, Local 816-842-5242 lungusa.org |
Lung | Lung HelpLine | Registered nurses and respiratory therapists provide answers about lung disease related issues including respiratory therapy, respiratory home health care, medication counseling, physician referral (in upper Midwest) and more. 800-548-8252 lunghelpline.org |
Lung | Lung Cancer Caring Ambassadors Program | Provides information and encouragement to people with lung cancer and their loved ones. lungcancercap.org |
Lung | Hello Have you Heard? | This site is all about the early detection blood test in addition to other important lung cancer information. 888-583-9030. hellohaveyouheard.com |
Lymphedema | Therapy Plus (Shawnee Mission Med Ctr) | 913-676-2444 or 913-676-6832 |
Lymphedema | National Lymphedema Network | Counseling and referrals to treatment centers 800-541-3259 – Hotline lymphnet.org |
Lymphoma | Lymphoma Research Foundation Inc. | Information tailored to patient’s diagnosis, “buddy system” for Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Quarterly newsletter. lymphoma.org |
Lymphoma | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Addresses four diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and multiple myeloma. Offers matching program and educational material. Qualifying patients registered with the organization can receive funds for designated services after other insurance coverage has been used through patient financial aid and co-pay assistance programs. 800-955-4572, Local: 913-262-1515 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Lymphoma | Mantle Cell Lymphoma Consortium | Core information for patients, and a searchable database of relevant clinical trials. 800-500-9976 mantlecelllymphoma.org |
Lymphoma | Lymphoma Information Network | This site contains information on lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). The site strives to gather lymphoma information and resources in one place. 310-689-7531. lymphomainfo.net |
Melanoma | Northern California Melanoma Center, St. Mary’s Medical Center | Review of new patients’ cases by a Consulting Panel 415-750-5660 melanomacenter.com |
Melanoma | Melanoma Patients Information Page | Has bulletin board, chat room, e-mail links and anecdotal stories about melanoma patients. mpip.org |
Melanoma | Melanoma Research Foundation | Patient information and an online chat room. 800-673-1290 melanoma.org |
Melanoma | Melanoma Care Coalition | For medical professionals, a list by region of hospitals with melanoma centers. No evaluation. 845-398-5100 melanomacare.org |
Metastatic Cancer | MetaCancer Foundation (with Wellness Community) | Resources and support for metastatic cancer survivors and their caregivers. Those with very different types of metastatic cancer acknowledge the common psychological and emotional realities they face. info@metacancer.org 760-231-9636 metacancer.org |
Metastatic Cancer | Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation | Provides “dream Factory memory opportunities for children who have a Mom or Dad with late-stage, limited life expectancy cancer. 404-279-5211 jajf.org |
Metastatic Cancer | Metastatic Breast Cancer Network | Raises awareness of metastatic breast cancer by putting a public face on the metastatic experience. We give those living with stage IV disease a greater voice and visibility in the breast cancer community, the medical community, the research community, and with the public-at-large. mbcn.org/ |
Multilingual Services | ACS access to ATT language line | Option 9 for Spanish – Ask to speak to someone in the language of choice. 800-227-2345 |
Multilingual Services | ASCO Patient Guides in Spanish | Primarily for those of Asian and Pacific Islander descent. Offers linking connections with survivors and resources to services and multi-lingual cancer materials 415-954-9988 plwc.org |
Multilingual Services | Centers for Disease Control, Spanish-language cancer information | cdc.gov/spanish/cancer |
Multilingual Services | California Chinese Unit, American Cancer Society | 888-566-6222, 510-797-0600 acs-nccu.org |
Multiple Myeloma | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Addresses four diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and multiple myeloma. Offers matching program and educational material. Qualifying patients registered with the organization can receive funds for designated services after other insurance coverage has been used through patient financial aid and co-pay assistance programs. 800-955-4572, Local: 913-262-1515 leukemia-lymphoma.org |
Multiple Myeloma | Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation | Supports research grants and professional symposiums, publishes quarterly newsletter, conducts seminars, and provides referrals and info packets. 203-972-1250 multiplemyeloma.org |
Multiple Myeloma | International Myeloma Foundation | Hotline, information packets, quarterly newsletter, seminars, workshops. 800-452-2873, 818-487-7455 myeloma.org |
Myelodysplastic Syndrome | Myelodysplastic Syndromes Center Foundation | Its international information network provides patients with referrals to treatment centers knowledgeable about MDS, contact names for available clinical trials, sharing of new research and treatment options between physicians, educational support to doctors and patients, and patient advocacy groups. 800-MDS-0839 mds-foundation.org |
Neck | Support for People with Oral and Head & Neck Cancer | Support and information addressing the emotional and psychological needs of oral and head and neck cancer patients and their families. 800-377-0928, 516-759-5333 spohnc.org |
Neck | International Association of Laryngectomees | Pre- and post-operation visits to laryngeal cancer patients, continuing support and education. 866-425-3678 larynxlink.com |
Neck | Laryngectomy Association – NuVoice (ACS) | Laryngectomees who are trained volunteers and who speak well visit a new laryngectomee in the hospital before and after surgery upon medical referral. 800-227-2345, KC area: Dee Etta, 913-432-3277 nu-voice.org |
Neck | Head & Neck Cancer Alliance | 866.792.HNCA (4622) headandneck.org |
Neck | Acinic Cell Information Center | A rare salivary gland cancer, comprising approx. 6%-10% of all salivary gland cancers. All salivary gland cancers comprise between 0.3% and 0.9% of all cancers in the United States. The most likely of salivary gland carcinomas to occur bilaterally. Occasionally an even rarer acinic/acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas, or of the lung (most lung versions are actually metastases). There is new (limited) data to indicate that a certain kind of breast cancer (secretory or juvenile carcinoma) is identical to acinic cell carcinoma. Edgar Stroke edgar@aciniccell.org aciniccell.org |
Neuroendocrine | Carcinoid.org | Carcinoid (CNET) -Â Commonly referred to as Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor carcinoid.org |
Neuroendocrine | HeartLandCarcinoids.org | Carcinoid (CNET) -Â Commonly referred to as Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor heartlandcarcinoids.org |
Neuroendocrine | Net Islet Cell Yahoo! Group | an information and education group for patients, family members, and medical professionals focused on Islet Cell Tumors. This list is monitored by medical professionals, and is a good place to ask questions about the disease and to share clinical experiences. This is NOT an emotional-support group. NET_ISLETCELL/ |
Neuroendocrine | ACOR.org | Carcinoid (CNET) -Â Commonly referred to as Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor ACOR.org |
Neuroendocrine | Northern California Carcinoid Fighters | Carcinoid (CNET) -Â Commonly referred to as Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor NCCF.org |
Neuroendocrine | CnetsCanada.org | Carcinoid (CNET) -Â Commonly referred to as Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor cnetscanada.org |
Neuropathy | The Neuropathy Association | General info on neuropathy from various causes, plus info on support groups. 212-692-0662 neuropathy.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | Cancer Survivors Fund | Provides college scholarships and financial assistance for prosthetic limbs to young adult cancer survivors. See website for information on eligibility and application. 281-437-7142 cancersurvivorsfund.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | CancerCare | Breast cancer – AVONCares: Limited financial assistance for home care, childcare and transportation. A program in partnership with the Avon Foundation. Linking A.R.M.S.: Limited financial assistance for hormonal and oral chemotherapy, pain and anti-nausea medication, lymphedema supplies and durable medical equipment. A program in partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Children ages 18 and under:Â Limited financial assistance for home care, child care, transportation, medication and co-pays. All other cancers: Limited financial assistance for home care, childcare, transportation, and pain medication. Touching Hearts program funded by the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation. San Diego area assistance funded by the WebMD Foundation. 800-813-4673 (800-813-HOPE) cancercare.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | Caregivers Marketplace | Cash-back (up to $1 per item) program for eligible products not typically covered by insurance or Medicare, including Ensure and Depends. Enrollment, list of products online. 800-888-0889 caregiversmarketplace.com |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults: National College Scholarship Program | Offers three scholarships for young adult cancer survivors diagnosed after the age of 15 and are currently under the age of 35. In addition, the organization offers scholarships for young adults who have a parent living with a cancer diagnosis, or who have lost a parent to cancer. 888-393-FUND (3863) ulmanfund.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | NeighborWorks America | Information on resources for people having difficulty paying a mortgage or know they will have difficulty in the near future. 202-220-2300 nw.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | Surviving and Moving Forward: The SAM Fund for Young Adult Survivors of Cancer | Grants and scholarships for survivors ages 17-35 to help them pursue educational or professional goals. 617-938-3484 thesamfund.org |
Non-Medical Financial Assistance | Catholic Charities – Brenda Mehling Cancer Fund | Financial assistance for patients ages 18-40 to cover co-pays, rent/mortgage, transportation, car insurance, repairs and groceries. Apply through website. 661-310-7940 bmcf.net |
Oral | Oral Cancer Foundation | Prevention, education, research advocacy and support activities. 949-646-8000 oralcancerfoundation.org |
Oral | Head & Neck Cancer Alliance | 866.792.HNCA (4622) headandneck.org |
Oral | Support for People with Oral and Head & Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) | Support and information for patients’ emotional, psychological and humanistic needs. 800-377-0928 spohnc.org |
Oral | Web Whispers | Support for survivors of larynx and throat cancers. webwhispers.org |
Ostomy | Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America | No cancer connection, but chapters nationwide where ostomy patients can get support for that aspect. 800-932-2423 ccfa.org |
Ostomy | ConvaTec Connection | 800-422-8811 convatec.com |
Ostomy | United Ostomy Association | Education, information, support and advocacy for intestinal or urinary diversion patients. 800-826-0826 uoa.org |
Ovarian | Support Connection | Breast & ovarian hotline, teleconference monthly, 8 p.m. Eastern on the 2nd Wednesday. 800-532-4290 supportconnection.org |
Ovarian | Ovarian Cancer National Alliance | Consumer-led umbrella group uniting cancer survivors, women’s health activists and healthcare professionals in a coordinated effort to focus national attention on ovarian cancer. 866-399-6262 ovariancancer.org |
Ovarian | Ovarian Cancer Research Fund | Advances research by underwriting investigations to find techniques for early detection and to aid in development of new therapies. Raises awareness through educational outreach programs, awareness projects and video & resource materials. 800-873-9569 ocrf.org |
Ovarian | FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered) | Provides information on screening and preventive options for women facing a genetic risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Also has peer-to-peer matching service. 866-824-7475 (RISK) facingourrisk.org |
Ovarian | Gilda Radner Familial Family Registry | Information about risk factors, warning signs and diagnostic tests, plus a family registry. 800-682-7426 (800-OVARIAN) ovariancancer.com |
Ovarian | Conversations: The International Ovarian Cancer Connection | Free newsletter, matching service 806-355-2565 ovcanews@aol.com ovarian-news.org |
Ovarian | National Ovarian Cancer Coalition | Brochures about symptoms and treatments for newly diagnosed. Website has a chat room and “Ask the Doctor” section. Education seminars for healthcare providers and forums for the public. Also collects data for research. 888-682-7426 (888-OVARIAN) ovarian.org |
Ovarian | In My Sister’s Care | A national consumer organization dedicated to eliminating health disparities and to improving health status and gynecologic cancer care for women of color and other under-served populations 212-802-7686, 202-607-1883 inmysisterscare.org |
Ovarian | The Foundation for Women’s Cancer – formerly the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) | Awareness for preventing, detecting and treating gynecological cancers and supports research and training. 800-444-4441 foundationforwomenscancer.org/ wcn.org |
Ovarian | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org |
Pain | Alliance of State Pain Initiatives (WI) | Based in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health. A network of state-based Pain Initiative organizations working to remove barriers that impede pain relief through education, advocacy and institutional improvement. State initiatives include nurses, physicians, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists, patient advocates, and representatives of clergy, higher education, and government dedicated to improving the care of persons with pain. 608-265-4013 trc.wisc.edu/ |
Pancreatic | Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research | Patient and Caregiver Education (PACE) program helps link patients and caregivers to community-based services, provides a patient information booklet and operates a clinical trial matching service. Based in Bethpage, NY. 866-789-1000 lustgartenfoundation.org |
Pancreatic | Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation | Chicago-area support groups 312-609-9910 rolfefoundation.org |
Pancreatic | Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PANCAN) | Information and peer-to-peer matching; research, patient support, community outreach and advocacy. PALS program provides patient and liaison services, diagnosis, treatment option and support resources. 877-272-6226 pancan.org |
Pancreatic | Pancreatica | In-depth selection of latest medical information on pancreatic cancer, reviewed by a board of medical advisors. Also, a comprehensive list of clinical trials. 831-658-0600, 800-525-3777 Information & Counseling Line at U of Colorado Cancer Center pancreatica.org |
Pancreatic | Pancreatic Cancer-Awareness Matters | Resources, DVD and book on pancreatic cancer Sherry Ainsworth 816-960-9100 (the Lockton Companies), ask for Sherry Ainsworth cancerbattleplan.com |
Pancreatic | Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research | A national, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing pancreatic cancer research, and serving as an information/advocacy resource for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. (310) 473-5121. pancreatic.org |
Penile | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Penis | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Peritoneal | PMP Pals | The PMP Pals Network provides resources for medical treatment, referrals to physician specialists, and support for patients, family caregivers and healthcare providers in 39 countries. Also publishes a quarterly newsletter 831-424-4545 pmppals@yahoo.com pmppals.org |
Pregnancy | Pregnant with Cancer Network | Information and matching service (phone or email) 800-743-4471 hopefortwo.org |
Prescription Assistance | Safety Net Foundation | Nonprofit patient assistance program that helps qualifying uninsured patients access Amgen medicines at no cost. safetynetfoundation.com |
Prescription Assistance | Genentech: Patient Access | Genentech Access Solutions offers coverage support, patient assistance, other useful information to help you along the way. gene.com |
Prescription Assistance | Community Assistance Program – CAP Drug Card | National – Free card provides discount savings on brand-name & generic drugs at participating pharmacies. CapRxProgram.org 561-319-6755 |
Prescription Assistance | Washington RxWashington Card | 800-227-5255 |
Prescription Assistance | Maine Rx Plus | 866- 796-2463 |
Prescription Assistance | Michigan MIRx Rx Savings | 866-755-6479 |
Prescription Assistance | Medbank Maryland | Provides prescription drug discount cards that give patients with little or no prescription drug coverage 15% to 40% discounts on name-brand and generic prescription drugs. 877-435-7755 |
Prescription Assistance | Maryland Rx Discount | 800-226-2142 |
Prescription Assistance | West Virginia Golden Mountaineer Card | 877-987-3646 |
Prescription Assistance | Together Rx Access | Qualifying patients receive discounts of 25% to 40% on brand name and generic prescriptions. 800-444-4106 togetherrxaccess.com |
Prescription Assistance | Arizona CoppeRxCard | 888-227-8315 |
Prescription Assistance | Partnership for Prescription Assistance | 800-477-2669 (800-4PPA-NOW) pparx.org |
Prescription Assistance | New Hampshire Rx Drug Discount Program for Seniors | 800-351-1888 |
Prescription Assistance | Ohio Golden Buckeye | 800-301-6446 |
Prescription Assistance | California Discount Rx Program | 800-434-0222 |
Prescription Assistance | Pharmaceutical companies | Some offer patient assistance programs for costly medicines: Get information from physician or medical social worker |
Prescription Assistance | Iowa Priority Rx Savings | 866-282-5817 |
Prescription Assistance | Florida Rx Discount Program | 888-419-3456 |
Prescription Assistance | National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) | Some prescription assistance for uninsured and underinsured, and co-payment assistance for some cancer types. For current list, visit rarediseases.org 215-625-9609 rarediseases.org |
Prescription Assistance | National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) – Needy Meds | Some prescription assistance for uninsured and underinsured, and co-payment assistance for some cancer types. For current list, visit rarediseases.org 212-625-9609 rarediseases.org |
Prescription Assistance | Breast Cancer Action | Breast Cancer Action offers links to info on assistance for meds used to treat breast cancer, including varying eligibilty requirements, enrollment processes, and duration of assistance. patient assistance programs bcaction.org |
Prescription Assistance | Bayer Indigent Patient Program | Products covered by program: Most Bayer pharmaceutical prescription medications used as recommended in prescribing information Physician Requests Should Be Directed To Bayer Indigent Program PO Box 29209 Phoenix, Arizona 85038-9209 (800) 998-9180 |
Prescription Assistance | Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc. | Helps those in need obtain medications free of charge. Physician requests should be directed to: Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc. c/o Express Scripts Specialty Distribution Services, Inc. PO Box 66555 St. Louis, MO 63166-6555 us.boehringer-ingelheim.com |
Prescription Assistance | Merck Patient Assistance Program | Helps cover some costs of Merck Medications. Eligibility is based on the patient’s insurance status and income level/assets. Patients should have exhausted all third-party insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and all other available programs. merck.com |
Prescription Assistance | Glaxo Wellcome Patient Assistance Program | Products covered by program: All marketed Glaxo Wellcome prescription products Physician requests should be directed to Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Patient Assistance Program PO Box 52185 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2185 1-866.728.4368, (800) 750-9832 (fax) Additional Program Information Can be found at Helix.com www.Helix.com Eligibility: Glaxo Wellcome is dedicated to assuring that no one is denied access to our marketed prescription products as a result of their inability to pay. gsk-access.com |
Prescription Assistance | Janssen Patient Assistance Program | Products covered by program: Janssen’s medical prescription products [Duragesic ® (fentanyl transdermal), Ergamisol® (levamisole), Imodium ® (loperamide), Nizoral ® Cream( ketaconazole cream), Nizoral® Shampoo ( ketaconazole shampoo), Nizoral ® Tablet ( ketaconazole tablet), Propulsid ® (cisapride), Sporanox ® ( itraconazole), Vermox ® (mebendazole) Physician requests should be directed to Janssen Patient Assistance Program 1800 Robert Fulton Drive Reston, Virginia 22091-2346 (800) 544-2987 janssenpharmaceuticalsinc.com |
Prescription Assistance | Lilly Cares Program | Products covered by program: Most Lilly prescription products and insulins (except controlled substances). Gemzar ® is covered under a separate program. Physician requests should be directed to Lilly Cares Program Administrator, Eli Lilly and Company PO Box 25768 Alexandria, Virginia 22313, (800) 545-6962 lillytruassist.com |
Prescription Assistance | Novartis Patient Assistance Program | Products covered by program: Certain single source and/or life-sustaining products. Controlled substances are not included. Physician requests should be directed to Novartis Pharmaceuticals Patient Assistance Program PO Box 52052 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-9170 (800) 257-3273 patientassistancenow.com |
Prescription Assistance | Procrit Line Ortho Biotech | Products covered by program: Procrit® (Epoetin alfa) for non-dialysis use, LEUSTATIN ® (cladribine) Injection Physician requests should be directed to Ortho Biotech Procrit Line (800) 553-3851 pparx.org |
Prescription Assistance | Pfizer Prescription Assistance | Products covered by program: Most Pfizer outpatient products with chronic indications are covered by this program. Diflucan ® and Zithromax ® are covered by a separate program. Physician requests should be directed to Pfizer Prescription Assistance P.O. Box 25457 Alexandria, Virginia 22313-5457 (800) 646-2455 pfizer.com |
Prescription Assistance | Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Patient Assistance Program | Products covered by Proctor & Gamble Contact Information Alison B. King, Ph.D., Manager, Public Policy c/o Express Scripts P.O. Box 66553 St. Louis, MO pparx.org63166-6553 1-(800) 830-9049 (phone) |
Prescription Assistance | Roche Medical Needs Program | Products covered by program: Roche product line with some exceptions Physician requests should be directed to Roche Medical Needs Program Roche Laboratories, Inc. 340 Kingsland Street Nutley, New Jersey 07110 (800) 285-2484 Roche Medical Needs Program for Roferon ® -A (Interferon alpha-2a, recombinant), Vesanoid ® (tretinoin),and Fluorouracil Injection Physician requests should be directed to Oncoline?/Hepline? Reimbursement Hotline (800) 443-6676 (press 2 or 3) |
Prescription Assistance | Sanofi Needy Patient Program | Products covered by program: Aralen ®, Breonesin ®, Danocrine ®, Drisdol ®, Hytakerol ®, Mytelase ®, NegGram ®, pHisoHex ®, Plaquenil ®, Primaquine ®, Skelid ®, Photofrin ®, Primacor® Physician requests should be directed to Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Needy Patient Program c/o Product Information Department 90 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016, (800) 446-6267 |
Prescription Assistance | Schering Laboratories Key Pharmaceuticals Commitment to Care Program | Products covered by program: Most Schering/Key prescription drugs. Physician requests should be directed to: For Intron A/Eulexin: (800) 521-7157 For Other Products: Schering Laboratories/ Key Pharmaceuticals Patient Assistance Program, PO Box 52122, Phoenix, Arizona 85072, (800) 656-9485 |
Prescription Assistance | Searle Patients in Need ® Foundation | Products covered by program: Aldactazide ®, Aldactone ®, Calan® SR, Kerlone ®, Calan ®, Covera-HS®, Norpace ®, Norpace ® CR, Cytotec ®, Physician requests should be directed to Administrator, Searle Patients in Need ® Foundation, 5200 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, Illinois 60077, (800) 542-2526 |
Prescription Assistance | SmithKline Beecham Oncology Access to Care Program | Products covered by program: Kytril (granisetron HCl) and Hycamtin (topotecan HCl) Physician requests should be directed to The Oncology Access to Care Hotline (800) 699-3806 |
Prescription Assistance | 3M Pharmaceuticals Indigent Patient Pharmaceutical Program | Products covered by program: Most drug products sold by 3M Physician requests should be directed to Medical Services Department, 275-2E-13, 3M Center, P.O. Box 33275, St. Paul, Minnesota 55133-3275, (800) 328-0255 |
Prescription Assistance | Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Indigent Patient Program | Products covered by program: Various products (not including scheduleII, III, or IV products) Physician requests should be directed to John E. James, Professional Services IPP, 555 E. Lancaster Avenue, St. Davids, Pennsylvania 19087 |
Prescription Assistance | Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Foundation Patient Assistance Program | Products covered by program: Accolate®, Arimidex®, Casodex®, Kadian®, Nolvadex®, Seroquel®, Sorbitrate®, Sular®, Tenoretic®, Tenormin®, Zestril®, Zoladex®, Zomig®. Physician requests should be directed to Patient Assistance Program, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Foundation P.O. Box 15197, Wilmington, Delaware 19850-5197. (800) 424-3727 |
Prostate | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Prostate | Urology Care Foundation | Dedicated to the prevention and cure of urologic diseases through the expansion of research, education, awareness and advocacy programs, including the Prostate Cancer Network. 800-242-2383 urologyhealth.org |
Prostate | The Prostate Net | Its goal is to provide credible and actionable information, using a synergistic blend of cancer survivors, renowned cancer clinicians and researchers and corporate supporters that will enable patients, their families and health professionals to partner in making the choices to assure the best chance for cure and retention of the desired quality-of-life. Website content is also available in Spanish. 888-477-6763, 201-342-3202 prostatenet.org |
Prostate | Us Too International | Education and emotional support through a network of groups and monthly newsletter. 800-808-7866 ustoo.org |
Prostate | Prostate Cancer Foundation | California-based foundation provides information online and in free publications, including “Nutrition and Prostate Cancer.” 800-757-2873 prostatecancerfoundation.org |
Prostate | Prostate Cancer Research Institute | The Institute’s Help Line, staffed by prostate cancer survivors and supporters, helps the patient understand his diagnosis and his treatment options with information from a variety of sources, including the Institute’s medical advisory board. 800-641-7274 prostate-cancer.org pcri.org |
Prostate | Man to Man | American Cancer Society program – Publishes a quarterly newsletter 800-227-2345 |
Prostate | National Prostate Cancer Coalition | Awareness, outreach & advocacy. 888-245-9455 fightprostatecancer.org |
Prostate | Patient Advocates for Advanced Cancer Treatments | Patient package and quarterly newsletter, an association for both patients and physicians for diagnostic and therapeutic treatments of prostate cancer. 616-453-1477 paactusa.org |
Prosthesis | PJ Jordan | Thorough Support for People with Oral, Head and Neck Cancer – A source for information on nose prosthesis pjjordan@mcvh-vcu.edu (w)804-828-4893, 7:30-3 (lunch 1-2pm) |
Radiation | Radiology Info | Information about diagnostic tools and therapies from the American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America. radiologyinfo.org |
Radiation | American Society for Radiation Oncology | Information on radiation therapy treatments, including brochures specific to cancer types, and a tool to find local radiation oncologists astro.org/ |
Radiation | RT Answers – Answers to Your Radiation Therapy Questions from the American Society for Radiation Oncology | Info about radiation treatments and side effects, search engine to find radiation oncologists. 800-962-7876 rtanswers.org or ASTRO.org |
Radiation | American Brachytherapy Society | A resource for information on seed implant radiation 703-234-4078 americanbrachytherapy.org |
Rare Cancers | National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) | Information including symptoms and treatment for many rare disorders, matches by mail. Some prescription assistance for uninsured and underinsured, and co-payment assistance for some cancer types. For more information on Patient Assistance Programs visit: rarediseases.org 800-999-6673 – Voice mail only, or 203-744-0100 rarediseases.org |
Rectal | See Colorectal category above | See Colorectal category above |
Regional Assistance – | Vincent P. Gurucharri MD Foundation – Missouri only, limited counties | Financial assistance to residents Audraine, Booke, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Maniteau and Randolph counties with limited financial resources who are receiving cancer treatment. 573-443-8773 docg.org |
Regional Assistance – Florida | Gulfcoast Oncology Foundation – Florida only, Tampa Bay area | Financial assistance for non-medical expenses during cancer treatment 727-821-0017 Ext. 2264 >gulfcoastoncologyfoundation.com/ |
Regional Assistance – Florida | L.I.G.H.T. of Southwest Florida – Florida only , Lee & Collier counties | Assists insured cancer patients with co-pays for medical care and medicines. Patients must agree to a credit check to verify financial need. Payments go directly to physicians, medical facilities and prescription providers. lightswfl.org |
Regional Assistance – Indiana & Kentucky | Michael Quinlan Brain Tumor Foundation – Indiana and Kentucky only | Educational, emotional, financial and spiritual services for patients in Indiana and Kentucky. 1815 Arboro Pl, Louisville, KY 40220 | phone: 502-896-1701 |
Regional Assistance – Kansas City | Wy/Jo Care | Wy/Jo Care is a community partnership to improve access to specialty health care for low-income, uninsured residents of Wyandotte and Johnson Counties. It combines care provided in primary care safety net clinics with donated specialty care in a coordinated referral program led by the Medical Society of Johnson and Wyandotte Counties. Patients must meet the following criteria to qualify for Wy/Jo Care:
phone: 913-403-0544 fax: 913-403-1423 email: wyjocare@msjwc.org |
Regional Assistance – Kansas City | KC Medicine Cabinet | Short-term medical assistance, dentures, glasses, medicines, hearing aids, etc. Call 211 (United Way info line), ask for Bob Trin. |
Regional Assistance – Kansas City | Helping Hand Foundation | Very limited assistance to KC area residents with proven, verified need. A patient advocate must make the request – not the patient 913-341-5411 helpingfoundation.org |
Regional Assistance – Kansas City | Northland CARE/MetroCARE | Northland CARE/MetroCARE, a primary and specialty care referral network linking safety-net patients with charitable physicians in the community. Northland CARE/MetroCARE is a community partnership to improve access to medical care for low-income, uninsured residents of Jackson, Clay and Platte Counties. Northland CARE/MetroCARE combines care provided by volunteer Northland primary care physicians and safety net clinics with donated specialty care in a coordinated program. Northland CARE/MetroCARE patients will be Jackson, Clay or Platte County residents who are low income, uninsured, ineligible for governmental healthcare programs, and have previously been financially screened. 816-531-8432 or hotline 816-880-6700 |
Regional Assistance – Los Angeles and surrounding areas | Beckstrand Cancer Association | Provides financial assistance beckstrand.org |
Regional Assistance – Minnesota | Angel Foundation – Minnesota only | Grants for non-medical needs to adult patients referred by doctor or hospital social worker, educational programs for families, summer camp for children of cancer patients 952-830-0519 mnangel.org |
Regional Assistance – New York | Cancer Advocacy Project, New York City Bar Fund – New York City Only | Bilingual advice and referrals on employment law, health law and will preparation. 212-382-4785 abcny.org |
Regional Assistance – North Texas | Bridge Breast Network – North Texas only | The Bridge Breast Network saves lives by linking low income, uninsured women in the 16-county region of North Texas to diagnostic and treatment services for breast cancer. 877-258-1396 (or 214-821-3820) bridgebreast.org |
Relaxation Meditation | Mind Jingles | A CD of six songs for patients and caregivers designed to promote positive attitudes and a sense of well-being. The songs are repetitions of words and phrases on the topics of healing, love, beauty, peace, energy and thankfulness. 866-502-1030 musicalnotes.com |
Relaxation Meditation | Healthjourneys | They offer a variety of videos, cassettes, CDs, software and books to promote relaxation, wellness and healing that is related specifically to cancer and the effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Products include resources on guided imagery, meditation and self-care. 800-800-8661 healthjourneys.com |
Relaxation Meditation | Care Trust Publications | They offer a variety of resources for self-care including a CD and audio tape for stress reduction and meditation designed for caregivers. 800-565-1533 comfortofhome.com |
Relaxation Meditation | Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at University of Massachusetts Medical School | They have information on “mindfulness based stress reduction” – a program to promote relaxation and well-being. Resources on stress reduction through meditation, guided imagery and relaxation techniques are available. Topics include “Using your mind and body to face stress, pain and illness.” 508-856-2656 umassmed.edu/cfm |
Religious affilation – Jewish | Sharsheret | Supports young Jewish women and their families facing breast cancer. www.sharsheret.org |
Research | Cancer Research Institute | Supports research into immunological treatment, control & prevention. 800-992-2623, 212-688-7515 cancerresearch.org |
Sarcoma | Sarcoma.net | News and information about sarcoma clinical trials, educational materials, request online consult with Dr. George Demetri, online host. 617-632-5204 sarcoma.net |
Sarcoma | Sarcoma Alliance | Guidance, education and support to adult and child sarcoma patients and families, list of sarcoma-specialized cancer centers, discussion board, chat room. 415-381-7236 sarcomaalliance.org |
Sarcoma | Sarcoma Foundation of America | Patient resources, fund-raiser and advocate for increased research. 301-253-8687 curesarcoma.org |
Sarcoma | The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative | Support and information, electronic newsletter, fund-raising for research. Founded by Bruce & Bev Shriver, whose daughter, 37, died of Ewing’s sarcoma. 914-762-3251 liddyshriversarcomainitiative.org |
Sarcoma | The Alliance Against Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma | NORD-affiliated organization with patient registry and information on current treatments and clinical trials. 718-523-7752, 301-253-0854 alveolarspsarcoma.net |
Side Effects | Shop Well With You | Customized clothing tips arranged by cancer-related treatments and side-effects; a directory of cancer-specific products such as swimsuits and head coverings, and where to find them; guidance on how to use clothing and accessories to maintain a positive body-image during and after treatment; and articles and books focused on body-image, clothing, cancer, and wellness. (800) 799-6790, 212-226-0466 shopwellwithyou.org |
Side Effects | Look Good-Feel Better | People undergoing treatment develop skills to improve their appearance. ACS program: 800-227-2345 |
Side Effects | Skin care during radiation | One of our volunteers used this treatment her hospital recommended with good results. Use a mild soap (Tone or Dove) and use cotton towels. In order to minimize skin reaction, use salt-water soaks – mix 1 tsp. table salt in 1 quart warm water, saturate a cotton washcloth in the solution and place over treated area for 10 to 15 minutes. Apply whatever lotion doctor recommends. Start soaks after first week and do twice a day after the 3rd or 4th week. |
Side Effects | Oncology Nursing Society – Cancer Fatigue | Interactive website from the Oncology Nursing Society. cancersymptoms.org |
Skin | The Skin Cancer Foundation | Public awareness, supports research, provides educational materials. 800-754-6490 skincancer.org |
Statistics | Centers for Disease Control | Statistical information by cancer type and overall, also available in Spanish. Also, an online link to a very interesting Global Cancer Atlas Online that shows where some types are more prevalent than others. 800-CDC-INFO (232-4636) cdc.gov/cancer |
Support | National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship | Survivor-led organization advocating quality care. 877-622-7937 canceradvocacy.org |
Support | CancerCare | Counseling, support groups, restricted financial assistance, education and referrals to patients and loved ones. Services in person, on phone and online. 800-813-4673 (800-813-HOPE), 212-712-8400 cancercare.org |
Support | National Cancer Institute | Access to PDQ (Physician Data Query) Information on types of cancer 800-422-6237 (800-4-CANCER) cancer.gov |
Support | American Cancer Society | 800-227-2345 (800-ACS-2345) cancer.org |
Support | National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation | Free kits for planning celebration on the first Sunday of June. 615-794-3006 ncsdf.org |
Support | Cancer Answers | 800-456-7121 |
Support | American Society of Clinical Oncology | American Society of Clinical Oncologists’ patient website providing oncologist-approved information to help people cope and make decisions about their healthcare, monthly Q&A with doctors. 888-651-3038 cancer.net |
Support | Cancer News on the Net | cancernews.com |
Support | Survivorship A-Z | Comprehensive information advocating quality care survivorshipatoz.org |
Support | Livestrong Foundation | Caseworker available for one-on-one counseling and referrals to local resources, help addressing financial and insurance concerns, and clinical trials matching to new treatments in development. Information and tools to “live strong,” following LAF philosophy that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything in the battle against cancer. 866-467-7205 livestrong.org |
Support | ACOR | Online support group offers information and opportunity to converse with or receive email from other people who have the same type of cancer. acor.org |
Support | Alpha Cancer Information Resource | Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative Groups, providing access to cancer-related health information, allows visitor to interact directly with leading specialists in the field. alphacancer.com |
Support | Cancer Support Community | Gilda’s Club Worldwide and the Wellness Community merged in May 2009. Build social and emotional support as a supplement to medical care in a free, nonresidential, homelike setting. All kinds and stages of cancer, families and friends. Locations in U.S. and Canada. Support, education and hope for patients, families. 888-793-9355 cancersupportcommunity.org/ |
Support (for children dealing with parent who has cancer) | Children’s Treehouse Foundation | Provides hospital-based, cancer-focused, psychosocial intervention training and programming dedicated to improving the emotional health of children whose parents have cancer. childrenstreehousefdn.org/ |
Testicular | Society of Urologic Oncology | Website has an online member referral service 847-264-5901 societyofurologiconcology.org |
Testicular | Lance Armstrong Foundation | 866-467-7205, laf.org livestrong.org |
Thyroid | American Thyroid Association | Website lists members by state or country, with subspecialties. 800-849-7643, 703-998-8890 thyroid.org |
Thyroid | ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association | Support, education and communication for survivors, families and friends. Raises research funding and holds an annual conference. Website has downloadable low-iodine cookbook and newsletter. 877-588-7904 thyca.org |
Thyroid | Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer specialist | He treated Bloch Cancer Hotline HV Bob Legler Paul Ladenson, Kimmel Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University 410-955-3663 |
Transportation | Air Compassion for Veterans | Affiliated with National Patient Travel Center – medically related air transport services to troops, veterans their immediate family members. 888-662-6794 AirCompassionForVeterans.org |
Transportation | Air Compassion America | Affiliated with National Patient Travel Center – patient travel  requires air ambulance and medical monitoring en route. 866-270-9198 AirCompassionAmerica.org |
Transportation | Corporate Angel Network | Affiliated with National Patient Travel Center – Arrange free air transportation for cancer patients and bone marrow donors to/from cancer treatment centers nationwide. No financial requirements or limits on number of flights. Patients must be able to walk/travel without life support. 866-328-1313 corpangelnetwork.org |
Transportation | Stretcher Patient Transport | Affiliated with National Patient Travel Center – a federally-approved stretcher equipped Beech 36 aircraft (the Bonanza) to transport patients who must be lying down en route but do not require any medical attention en route. The Bonanza is based out of Manassas, Virginia and serves the Mid-Atlantic States. The service is provided free of charge to eligible patients. 800-296-3797 |
Transportation | Angel Flight America | Free air transportation for people in need to specialized healthcare facilities or distant destinations due to a family, community or national crisis. 888-426-2643 (888-4-AN-ANGEL) angelflightwest.org |
Transportation | National Patient Travel Center | Free referral for patients needing airline transportation to distant specialized treatment facilities. 800-296-1217 patienttravel.org |
Transportation | Angel Bus | Affiliated with National Patient Travel Center – nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing compassionate, non-emergency long-distance ground transportation using motor coaches and their volunteer drivers as well as commercial bus service. 757-333-0084 angel-bus.org |
Transportation | Air Charity Network | Provides access for people in need who are seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations due to family, community, or national crisis. aircharitynetwork.org/ |
Treatment Information | Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) | Provides listings of member organizations and standards for cancer treatment and care. 301-984-9496 accc-cancer.org |
Treatment Information | FDA Cancer Liaison Program | Information about the FDA drug approval process, clinical trials, and access to investigational therapies. 888-463-6332 Cancer Liaison Program |
Treatment Information | Cancer Research Institute | CRI Helpbook provides information on how to talk to doctor when diagnosed, information about treatments and clinical trials, and a resource directory. 800-992-2623 canceresearch.org |
Treatment Information | OncoLink | oncolink.upenn.edu Cancer information by type of cancer oncolink.org by cancer type |
Treatment Information | National Library of Medicine | Access to the National Library of Medicine for literature searches. Access to Medline to search for major medical journal articles by topic. nlm.nih.gov |
Uterine | In My Sister’s Care | A national consumer organization dedicated to eliminating health disparities and to improving health status and gynecologic cancer care for women of color and other under-served populations 212-802-7686, 202-607-1883 inmysisterscare.org |
Uterine | The Foundation for Women’s Cancer – formerly the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) | Awareness for preventing, detecting and treating gynecological cancers and supports research and training. 800-444-4441 foundationforwomenscancer.org/ |
Uterine | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org |
Vaginal | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org |
Vulvar | Eyes on the Prize | Women with cervical, uterine (endometrial and sarcoma), ovarian, vaginal, vulvar, gestational, and tubal cancer join together to share information and emotional support for living with reproductive cancers. eyesontheprize.org/ |
Wigs & Hair | Wigged Out | imWiggedOut.com |
Wigs & Hair | Paula Young Catalog | 800-343-9695 |
Wigs & Hair | Locks of Love | Hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 with medical hair loss. Free, or sliding scale. 888-896-1588 locksoflove.org |
Young Adults | Planet Cancer | An online community for young cancer patients (teens to 30s) and their supporters, similar to Facebook and MySpace. Protected website, lots of response to new pages. planetcancer.org |
Young Adults | The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults | Support programs, education and resources to benefit young adults, their families and friends who are affected by cancer. Partner with Imerman Angels. 888-393-3869 (888-393-FUND) ulmanfund.org |
Young Adults | I’m Too Young For This Cancer Foundation | Survivor-led advocacy, support and research organization for survivors and care providers under age 40. 877-735-4673 imtooyoungforthis.org |
Young Adults | Stupid Cancer | Empowers young adults affected by cancer through innovative programs and services. stupidcancer.org/ |
Young Adults | Imerman Angels | Peer-to-peer counseling, emphasis on young patients 877-274-5529 ImermanAngels.org |