800-433-0464 is the number for every newly diagnosed cancer patient. It is a totally free service (cash donations are never solicited) operated by volunteers who have had cancer. The goal is to match up the newly diagnosed patient with an individual who has recovered from the same type of cancer. The purpose is not to recommend specific treatments or physicians but to figuratively put their arm around Continue reading “Cancer Hotline 800-433-0464”
Get a Second Opinion for Prompt Proper and Thorough Treatment
The talk around the cancer community today is all about the pharmacist who diluted chemotherapy drugs and the people who suffered and died as a result. It was such a deceitful action with such horrid effects that it is difficult to contemplate. It is hard to imagine a man with ten million dollars even dreaming of committing such a dastardly act. Continue reading “Get a Second Opinion for Prompt Proper and Thorough Treatment”
Sunday, June 3, 2001, which is National Cancer Survivors Day, is being designated as “DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME” day! The significance is to try to get all Americans to promptly get a qualified independent second opinion upon the diagnosis of cancer before any treatment. Continue reading “DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME DAY”