Cancer mortality drops for the first time in history! The age adjusted cancer death rate declined from 1990 to 1995 by 3.1% from 135.0 per 100,000 population to 129.8, the lowest it has been since 25 years ago. Further, the decline is accelerating and continuing at about 2% per year. Continue reading “There’s Good News Tonight”
Treatment options
Cancer is the most curable of all chronic diseases!
There is no type of cancer for which there is no treatment!
There is no cancer from which someone has not been cured!
But…cancer is an extremely complex disease. There are several hundred different kinds of cancer. Each one is treated in its own particular way by one or a combination of at least eight separate types of therapy Continue reading “Treatment options”
Deciding to take treatments
“Should I take chemotherapy?” Lately I have heard this question asked by callers several times. Whether it is by an 80 year old gentleman with slow growing lung cancer, by a 52 year old lady with advanced ovarian cancer or a young lady with breast cancer. The answers, with numerous qualifications, is “yes” Continue reading “Deciding to take treatments”
Accessing Treatment Information – PDQ
Cancer is the most curable of all chronic diseases!
There is no type of cancer for which there is no treatment!
There is no cancer from which someone has not been cured.
But…cancer is an extremely complex disease. There are over 200 different kinds of cancer. Each one is treated in its own particular way Continue reading “Accessing Treatment Information — PDQ”